Winter Group

Inorganic Chemistry: Organometallic Chemistry

Metal-organic π-systems are characterized by redox activity at low potentials, high electron mobilities, intensive absorption bands in the visible spectrum and the near infrared (NIR), and high stabilities of their paramagnetic states. We combine these properties in our research and thereby strive to develop new functions and applications.
Prof. Rainer Winter

A Smart Window into Future Applications

The Winter Group focuses primarily on conjugated metalorganic π-systems. Through the intimate coupling of electrochemical and spectroscopic methods the team scrutinizes the electronic and luminescence properties of these systems. One aspect of particular interest is the impact of redox reactions on the bonding characteristics, the electronic structures and the properties of the chemical systems. “We are particularly interested in how the direct linking of dyes with redox-active metal units influences their absorption and emission behaviour,” explains Prof. Rainer Winter. These compounds might find use, for example, in dye-sensitized solar cells and in switchable electrochromic windows (“smart windows”) or as novel emitters and photocatalysts.

“We have developed methods whereby the charge and spin localisation or delocalisation in extended metalorganic π-systems featuring one or more chemically identical or different redox-active entities can be determined and quantified,” Rainer Winter explains. “We are currently developing particularly efficient polyelectrochromics, emitters and new classes of paramagnetic molecules with several uncoupled spins.” Nationally and internationally, the Winter Group supports other teams with their expertise in electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry.