Winter Term

Bachelor- and Masterthesis are offered continuously.
In case of interest please inquire for possibilities.

Gene Expression and Replication - Lecture (CHE-11040)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Hartig, Prof. Dr. Andreas Marx - Mastercourse (6 ECTS)

The lectures deal with the maintenance and expression of genetic information from replication to protein biosynthesis. The following topics will be discussed: Chemical and structural aspects of DNA, RNA, and genes; DNA replication; RNA repair, organisation of genes and genomes; transcription and its regulation, RNA processing, functional RNAs such as ribozymes, aptamers, riboswitches, RNA interference, the genetic code, ribosomal translation, expansion of the genetic code.

Gene Expression and Replication - Practical Course (CHE-11030)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Hartig, Prof. Dr. Andreas Marx - Mastercourse (6 ECTS)

The experimental part involves modern topics in chemical biology and molecular biology: student interns participate in research projects conducted in the involved research groups.