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Check out our feature paper in the latest edition of Inorganics!

Valence tautomerism involves the coexistence of redox isomers with different charge and spin density distributions, induced by intramolecular electron transfer and stimuli like light, X-ray, or temperature variations. This study proposes chromium half-sandwich complexes as alternatives, highlighting their advantages, including easily adjustable oxidation potentials, CO ligands for infrared spectroscopy, and EPR activity at a more convenient temperature (77 K) compared to ferrocene complexes.

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Check out our latest paper in Inorganic Chemistry

Lars' study introduces seven new ferrocenyl-modified N,N′,N″-triethyltriazatruxenes (EtTATs) and a dodecyl counterpart, demonstrating their utility as molecular switching units on an Ag(111) surface. These compounds offer a promising avenue for high-density information storage and processing. Voltammetric studies reveal that the ferrocenyl residues of these compounds oxidize prior to the TAT core, leading to multiple electronic excitations in the near-infrared and visible spectra. EtTAT and its…

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