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Check out our latest paper in Inorganic Chemistry

Lars' study introduces seven new ferrocenyl-modified N,N′,N″-triethyltriazatruxenes (EtTATs) and a dodecyl counterpart, demonstrating their utility as molecular switching units on an Ag(111) surface. These compounds offer a promising avenue for high-density information storage and processing. Voltammetric studies reveal that the ferrocenyl residues of these compounds oxidize prior to the TAT core, leading to multiple electronic excitations in the near-infrared and visible spectra. EtTAT and its…

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Congratulations to Moritz on his first paper

Harnessing the unique properties of diradical species has been a long-standing challenge in the field of molecular electronics. In this paper, Moritz Nau unveils a strategy for enhancing the stability of a diradical ferrocenium thioxanthyl radical valence tautomer and effectively suppressing its dimerization, along with that of its one-electron reduced neutral radical counterpart.

Wir gratulieren Jan zum Doktortitel !

Am Freitag, den 24. Juni 2022 verteidigte Jan seine Doktorarbeit, die er von September 2018 bis April 2022 in der Gruppe anfertigte. Wir gratulieren herzlich!